Teach smarter,Learn better

Quizzing with Carousel embeds student knowledge and reduces teacher workload.
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Take a quick tour with Adam Boxer

Carousel's Education Director walks you through the ways Carousel can help you teach smarter, and your students learn better.
Carousel explained

Why Carousel?

Ideal for school quizzing and retrieval practice.
Ideal for school quizzing and retrieval practice.
Embed knowledge in students' long-term memory.
Embed knowledge in students' long-term memory.
Save time setting and marking homework.
Save time setting and marking homework.
Produce insightful data.
Produce insightful data.
Link homework and classwork.
Link homework and classwork.
Create a culture that celebrates knowledge.
Create a culture that celebrates knowledge.

This is one of the best educational websites I have used and has genuinely reduced my workload.

For me it has been a great investment and I heartily recommend it to you all.

Christopher Dean
Christopher Dean (

How it works

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1Choose a Question Bank

Choose a Question Bank from our Community or upload your own.
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2Create quizzes

Create quizzes and share them with your students.
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3Students self-mark

Students self-mark, demolishing teacher workload.
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4Analyse results

Moderate marking, analyse results and create Whole Class Feedback reports.
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Question Banks accessiblein our Community
quizzes taken by students around the world
quizzes taken by students around the world
schools using carousel
schools using carousel

Why it works

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Retrieval works

Tests containing carefully sequenced questions from across a curriculum are a great way to embed knowledge in the long-term memory.
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Academics agree!

In their
review of research on retrieval practice
, Agarwal, Nunes and Blunt found that "retrieval practice consistently benefits student learning".
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And so do teachers!

Want to find out more?

Check out our packages for individual teachers and primary and secondary schools, or create a free account and try it for yourself.
Find out more

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